ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT <p align="justify">The Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment is peer reviewed journal with the objectives to explore, develop and elucidate the knowledge of Engineering design and technology, to keep Practitioners and Researchers informed on current issues and best practices, as well as serving as a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and expertise among technology researchers and practitioners. AZOJETE is published by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.</p> <p><strong>p-ISSN:</strong> 1596-2644 | <strong>e-ISSN:</strong> 2545-5818</p> <p><strong>PUBLICATIONS:</strong> MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER</p> <p>AZOJETE is currently indexed in the following indexing platforms</p> <p><a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GoogleScholar</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ACADEMIA</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ResearchBib</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CosmosIF</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CiteFactor</a>, &nbsp;Bielefeld University Library, IIJIF, SIS, Cosmos Impact Factor, <a href=";subAction=subjects&amp;publisherID=34&amp;journalID=38287&amp;pageb=1&amp;userQueryID=&amp;sort=&amp;local_page=&amp;sorType=&amp;sorCol=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">JournalTOCs</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">OAJI</a>,&nbsp; Journal Factor, SPARC Indexing, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">OpenAIRE</a>, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Electronic Journals Library, ISI, Social Science Research Centre Berlin, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WorldCat</a>, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), StudyLIB,&nbsp; Journal Finder, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">University of Saskatchewan Library</a>,&nbsp; ScopeMed, Microsoft Academic, <a href=";recordsPage=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PKP Index</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">efita</a>, JournalFinder, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Publons</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ghent University Library</a>, University Library of Regensburg, University of Groningen Library, University of Georgia, Berkeley Library University of California, ProQuest, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN Portal</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PIST</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DRJI</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">TEEAL</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Technical University of Braunschweig</a>, <a href=";View=uba&amp;Language=de" target="_blank" rel="noopener">University Library Augsburg.</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Leipzig University Library,</a> <a href=";context=L&amp;vid=44HYG_INST:44HYG_VU1&amp;lang=en&amp;search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&amp;adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&amp;tab=Everything&amp;query=sub,exact,Agricultural%20Engineering%20,AND&amp;mode=advanced" target="_blank" rel="noopener">London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EuroPub DASJ</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SJIF</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Technical University of Braunschweig</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EuroPub</a>, <a href=";R=3747465" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Toronto Public Library</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EDUINDEX Index of Education</a></p> FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF MAIDUGURI, NIGERIA en-US ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 1596-2644 <p>Copyright of the paper named above is hereby assigned and transferred to the Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment published by University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.</p> Performance Evaluation of Solar Panel with Reflector Using Nano Fluids <p>This research evaluated the performance of solar panel with reflector using Nano Fluids in Kano State, Nigeria. An experimental setup was designed, consisting of a solar panel without modification PWM, solar panel with reflectors PWR, solar panel with reflectors and a water-cooling system (PWRC). The experiments were conducted at the optimum tilt angle of 12o in Kano State. Additionally, models were developed using SolidWorks of PWR and PWRC to simulate the thermal behavior of the panel with different coolant types, including water, ethylene glycol, and urea liquid using ANSYS. The results indicate that ethylene glycol exhibited the lowest rate of increase in the panel's surface temperature (ST), followed by urea liquid and then water. For an initial surface temperature (ST) of 27.5°C, 64.2°C, and 46.1°C, the panel using ethylene glycol experienced temperature increases of 22.072°C, 74.184°C, and 33.951°C, respectively, over a duration of 50 minutes. In the case of water, the panel's ST rose by 33.155°C, 80.388°C, and 59.698°C under the same initial ST conditions. Similarly, the panel using urea liquid witnessed surface temperature increases of 24.648°C, 74.282°C, and 35.498°C for the respective initial ST values of 27.5°C, 64.2°C, and 46.1°C</p> A. T. Ibrahim A. A. Abdullahi A. T. Mustapha J. Nura A. Bala Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 1 12 Identification, Classification and Ranking of the Causes of Building Collapse in Abuja, Nigeria – A Review <p>This study examines the incidences of reported building collapses from inception in Abuja, Nigeria from 2008 to 2024 and the attendant increasing loss of lives, properties and injuries, with a view to determining leading causes of building collapses, it’s classification and ranking within the FCT - Abuja. It also highlights the casualties arising from these occurrences. There has been conflicting information on casualties and damages resulting from building collapses in Nigeria perhaps due to ineffective coordination amongst agencies responsible. Findings of this study revealed the leading causes of building collapse in the FCT in decreasing order as to include Use of sub-standard building materials, structural failures, use of quacks, poor or lack of supervision and lack of conduct of geotechnical investigation/inappropriate foundation. A total of thirty (30) cases of building collapses were identified to have occurred in the FCT leading to the confirmed death of at least fifty-seven (57) persons. Recommendations were made in line with the leading causes of building collapse in the FCT.</p> B. O. Akuboh T. Aimola Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 13 24 Assessment of Effect of Alummina Addition on the Refraractory Under Load (Rul) Property of Some Kaolin Clay Deposits in Nigeria <p>The impact of alumina addition on the Refractory Under Load (RUL) of kaolin clay deposits in Nigeria have been investigated. The samples deposit were collected from different sites of Ikpeshi Akoko Edo (IKAE) of Edo State, Kasadi Village in Kebbi State (KVK), Alasan in Osun State (AOS) and Badeggi in Niger State and were used as the principal raw material in the sample preparation while ball clay was used as the binder. The kaolin and ball clay were mixed in suitable proportion of 70:30 ratio in the production of the fire clay bricks. Particle size distributions and Refractory under load (RUL) of the samples were determined. Through RUL tests, samples without alumina exhibited varying subsidence behaviours at different temperatures. Samples from Kasadi (KVK) and Alaasan (AOS) showed the greatest improvement at 10% and 15% alumina levels, with lower subsidence and higher peak temperatures. With 10% and 15% alumina additions, respectively, the Kasadi sample reached maximal thermal stability with subsidence temperatures of 1475°C and 1516°C. Excellent refractory properties were likewise demonstrated by the Alaasan sample, but with less early expansion. On the other hand, the Ikpeshi (IKAE) sample underwent more overall deformation, suggesting a lower level of long-term thermal resistance, even if it was initially able to endure high temperatures. Results suggest alumina content influences the thermal stability and performance of kaolin clay, important for firebrick production and industrial applications. Practical tests confirmed the suitability of produced refractory bricks for industrial use, demonstrating comparable performance to standard refractory fire clay.</p> J. B. Mokwa M. Abdullahi O. E. Malomo Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 25 34 Assessment of Agro-Waste Potentials for the Generation of Electrical Energy in Northeast Nigeria <p>In this paper eight major Agricultural-wastes (agro-waste) (maize cob, groundnut shell, bean pod, wheat husk, rice husk, millet bran, sorghum bran and sugar cane bagasse) derived from widely grown crops in the northeast sub-region have been investigated for their energy resource potentials. The core research task is to estimate the aggregate crop residues from raw data collected from river basin authorities and ministries of agriculture and water resources as well as from structured surveys of major markets, large commercial farms and Agro-Allied Industries. This work relies on directed data analytics approach and has arrived at gross estimates of 6.89x104 metric tons per annum as agro-wastes available for electricity production; corresponding to approximately 13.5% share of the total agro-wastes of the northeast sub-region. Further, samples of all agro-wastes were characterized via proximate analysis which yielded their respective lower heating values to be within the range of 12.52MJ/kg to 16.66MJ/kg. From end-use viewpoint, the estimated agro-wastes of the study area can generate electrical energy of 55.8GWh/annum for geographically scattered rural communities.</p> A. Bukar K. Mustapha U. O. Aliyu J. D. Jiya G. A. Bakare Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 35 55 Towards Sustainable Economy: The Role of E-Procurement Implementation in the Delivery of Public Projects in Nigeria <p>Contracting firms spend significant resources in an attempt to participate in public project contracts in Nigeria. As such, their working capital and liquidity ratio have always been condensed. The aim of the study was to explore factors influencing the successful implementation of E-procurement for sustainable economy. To attain this goal, the quantitative approach design method was adopted. Forty-five (45) questionnaires were administered to the respondents using random sampling techniques in Lagos, South West Nigeria. Data were collected from the respondent and analyzed using a descriptive statistic in the form of mean item score (MIS), resulting in the various statistical outputs that were used to justify the research questions. The result from the analyses has shown factors such as lack of management support, I.T infrastructure, expertise and business benefit were among the first three that affect e-procurement implementation in the study area The study concludes that integrating technology approaches into the procurement policies relating to public procurement will enhance sustainable procurement and economy through legislative and government support in the area. The study therefore recommends that Construction industry professionals should be computer specialist on how the concern security of submitted tender bid and usually virus attack can be addressed. Lack of upper management support the major hindering should be considered in other to make proper implementation of e-procurement, most importantly, incorporation of educational programs for professionals (workshops, seminars, and conferences).</p> M. L. Yahaya A. J. Babalola M. J. Abubakar M. Sani Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 56 63 Harnessing The Sun's Potential: An Arduino-Based System for Optimized Energy Management in PV Systems <p>The global shift towards renewable energy sources has placed photovoltaic (PV) systems at the forefront of sustainable energy solutions. Traditional PV systems often suffer from inefficiencies due to fixed load thresholds that do not adapt to changing environmental conditions, leading to energy waste. It proposes an innovative Arduino-based system for optimizing energy management in PV systems. The Arduino platform was selected for its ease of programming, affordability, and compatibility with various sensors. By continuously monitoring real-time data such as solar irradiance, battery status, and local energy consumption, the proposed system dynamically adjusts load thresholds to prevent energy waste and grid overload. The system architecture includes high-efficiency PV panels, a solar charge controller, deep-cycle batteries, and various sensors to monitor voltage, current, and temperature. The system employs deep-cycle batteries with capacities based on the energy requirements and expected usage patterns, and voltage regulators such as the LM7805 to ensure safe operation of the Arduino microcontroller at 5V, converted from the standard 12V input. This setup shows the comprehensive integration of components to ensure optimal performance. Simulation results demonstrate the system’s ability to manage power effectively, preventing overload and promoting energy efficiency. By maintaining precise control over energy distribution and utilizing a user-friendly interface for real-time monitoring, this research highlights the potential of an intelligent, cost-effective solution for enhanced energy management in PV systems, paving the way for more sustainable energy consumption.</p> S. Akhinbohun F. K. Alli M. Omosigho Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 64 71 Homer Pro-Based Approach for Designing and Optimizing a Grid-Tied Hybrid Renewable Energy System for a Rural Community <p>One of the most important elements in our planet is energy, there is a daily rise in the global demand of energy and so renewable sources of energy need to be employed to meet this demand. We understand that renewable sources of energy are not continuous; to resolve these issues, research have proven that combining several renewable sources in a hybrid form would compensate for the discontinuity and decrease emission of harmful chemicals to the environment. Based on the epileptic power supply issues for residents in Sango Ota, an alternative source of power is suggested in this study. Sango Ota is a fast-developing area with population increasing daily, and load demand needs to be met for residential and commercial activities. This paper presents the optimal planning, design, operation, and techno-economic assessment of a sustainable hybrid renewable energy Microgrid system using Sango Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria as a case study. The sources of renewable energy considered in this study are wind turbines, solar photovoltaic (PV), diesel generator and storage system (battery). The study employs HOMER Pro application and algorithm to simulate models of the design. This study helps to proffer a solution or an alternative means of generating power at a lesser cost with several options as backup. The study focuses mainly on the residential whose lifetime is 25 years. The Return on investment (ROI) of this study is positive, which indicates that the project is viable, profitable, efficient and should yield a payback after 4 years. This study has been able to show that a sustainable power supply can be generated using hybrid renewable energy sources from wind, solar, diesel generator and battery. Enough energy was generated to meet the load demand, it was cost effective and the capital would be regained in 4 years. Auto size Gen was preferable for the simulation as it is flexible and adjustable to meet the load demand.</p> A. S. Alayande A. E. Emmies I. K. Okakwu O. K. Gbenga O. S. Okeolu Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 72 86 Characterization and Experimental Analysis of AA7075 Aluminium Alloy and Rice Husk Ash Reinforced Hybrid Composite <p>Abstact</p> F. A. Sulayman Y. A. Saraki I. Sulaiman Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 87 100 Development of Rating Curve for River Ngadda <p>Accurate river discharge estimation is critical for sustainable water resource management and infrastructure design, especially in areas where data scarcity is a major concern. This study addresses this issue by developing a rating curve for the Ngadda River in Borno State, Nigeria. The lack of continuous discharge data and reliable rating curves has historically hindered water resource project planning in the region. Leveraging stage-discharge rating curves and utilizing an optimization-based technique with Excel solver, curve parameters were calibrated to accurately depict the hydraulic relationship between river stage and discharge. The analysis of discharge data at Logojeri and Maiduguri gauging stations revealed seasonal changes in river flow, emphasizing the importance of continuous monitoring for effective water resource management. Correlation analysis between actual and predicted discharge confirmed the reliability of the developed rating curve, while uncertainty analysis revealed insights into potential errors associated with the discharge estimation. The developed rating curve which is for the two specific gauging stations (Maiduguri and Logojeri), provides a useful tool for converting stage data into discharge values, thereby assisting with water resource planning and decision-making. It is therefore urged for ongoing monitoring efforts and the installation of monitoring tools to modify and improve the developed rating curve's ability to capture the dynamic hydrological behavior of the Ngadda River.</p> U. A. Ibrahim P. Daniel M. B. Gutti Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 101 107 Design and Implementation of FPGA Accelerator for Vision Based Fire Detection <p>Fire outbreaks are great threat to human beings, economic infrastructure, and the environment. This led to the need for timely and accurate detection of fire incidents to minimize their devastating impacts. But conventional fire detection systems are electronic sensor based which as result they suffer from the problems of transport delay, conduction delay, limited detection range, high false alarm, and inappropriate for outdoor applications. To address the shortcomings of such sensor-based methods, several image processing and computer vision approaches to fire detection have been proposed. However, these image processing and computer vision-based solutions are implemented in software platforms which have disadvantages of inefficiency, high hardware requirements and high cost. In this research work, an embedded hardware accelerator for vision-based fire detection was designed and implemented in Kintex-7 series Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). MATLAB R2021a software was used for decoding the image dataset into pixel stream data. The design was captured in very high-speed integrated circuit HDL (VHDL). The design was synthesized with Xilinx Vivado 2021 design suite and simulated with Xilinx ISIM. Evaluation results showed that the accelerator could achieve good detection of fire features and were consistent with the results from MATLAB code running on personal computer. Compared to software implementation, the latency, resource utilization and power consumption was greatly reduced. It was also found that the hardware accelerator which was developed as an Intellectual Property (IP) core can also be employed to speed up grayscale conversion, edge detection and thresholding algorithms in embedded vision, smart camera and video analytics applications.</p> A. Hassan C. U. Ngene P. Y. Dibal Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 108 118 Assessment of the Hydroelectricity Generation Potential of Gwaigwaye Reservoir in Funtua, Katsina State, Nigeria. <p>Access to quality and adequate supply of electricity is one of the major challenges hampering development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Funtua as the industrial, commercial, and agricultural hub of Katsina State, Nigeria, needs to overcome the problem of epileptic power supply from the national grid. This study explored the hydro generation potential of Gwaigwaye Reservoir, the largest water resource in the area, by evolving a hydrological profile using water surface area in absence of flow gauging data. It also outlined from analysis, the technical requirements for hydroelectricity generation from the reservoir. Consequently, it was discovered from analysis that the average discharge obtainable is 18.54 m3/s. This would flow through four bulb turbines of 750 rpm speed to generate 17.8 MW of power or 14.033 GWh of energy in a year. It is therefore recommended that the Government of Katsina State should seek to implement this project for its potential to improve the living conditions and economy of the people of Funtua, the surrounding communities and the State.</p> P. O. Olabisi M. M. Abdullahi Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 119 135 Design and Fabrication of Solar and Gasoline Dual-Powered Lawn Mower <p>The need to improve existing lawnmowers is highly essential, especially when there is availability of alternative and renewable sources of power (solar energy). A readily available two-stroke internal combustion engine and solar panel were used to drive a cutting tool made from a locally available cutlass. The Mechanical power from the internal combustion engine was converted by an alternator to Electrical power and transmitted through the electric motor. The mower's battery is recharged by a 30W solar panel. To avoid completely draining or overcharging the battery, the solar panels were linked in series with an electric charge controller. The lawn mower's cutting blade is fixed to a 12-volt, one-horsepower DC motor, which is powered by two series-connected 12-volt, seventy-five-amp lead accumulators. Through the use of solar energy captured by the solar panels, the DC batteries (lead accumulators) are replenished. The hybrid powered lawn's intricate design was developed and the performance demonstrated the field efficiency of 83% and 87% when powered with solar and combustion engines respectively. The blade height is adjusted for the desired height of the cut. The battery which takes approximately 2 days to recharge mows a total area of 455m2 of lawn. The mower showed neat mowing of the grasses with ease of operation.</p> K. O. Abdulrahman H. K. Ibrahim K. K. Adeleke B. O. Azeez I. A. Jamiu R. A. Babatunde K. O. Abdulazeez J. O. Aweda Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 136 144 Implementation of Thyristor Based Control of Separately Excited DC Motor Driven by Single-Phase Semi-Converter <p>This paper presents the implementation of thyristor-based control for a separately excited DC motor using a single-phase semi-converter. The study focuses on the design, operation, and performance analysis of the system, highlighting its ability to efficiently control the motor's speed and torque. The semi-converter, consisting of thyristors, provides variable DC voltage to the motor by controlling the firing angle, enabling precise regulation of motor parameters. Key aspects, such as circuit design, firing angle control, and power quality considerations, are discussed in detail. Computer aided simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system in achieving smooth and reliable motor control with improved energy efficiency. The findings underline the applicability of thyristor-based control in industrial and automation applications, offering a cost-effective solution for DC motor drives. It is observed that the method of voltage control shows that a rated voltage of 200 V, the rated speed of 1500 RPM and torque of 10.5 N-m cannot be exceeded. The method of field flux control shows that a rated voltage, the rated speed can be exceeded to reach 208 V and 3000 RPM respectively while the rated torque cannot be reached.</p> G. C. Diyoke C. A. Okeke C. Ezugwu Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 145 156 Quality Assessment Of Commercial Sandcrete Hollow Blocks Produced In Kaura District, Abuja <p>Abstart</p> M. Ibrahim M. A. Yerima Z. Danbuba A. Y. Masud M. A. Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 21 1 157 167 Design and Fabrication of a Canvas Belt Thresher for Efficient Cowpea Threshing <p>The increasing demand for efficient and cost-effective cowpea threshing machinery led to the development of a canvas belt thresher. This study focuses on the design and fabrication of a thresher that minimizes grain damage while enhancing threshing efficiency. The machine was constructed using mild steel iron, 22-gauge sheet metal, and canvas materials, ensuring robustness and cost-effectiveness. The total production cost of the machine was ₦253,000, making it affordable for small-scale farmers. The canvas belt system, selected for its rubbing action, was designed to improve grain separation and reduce kernel bruising compared to traditional impact-based mechanisms. Key design considerations included material selection, power transmission, shaft design, and motor capacity to ensure durability, ease of use, and affordability. A 3.18kW gasoline engine powered the thresher, enabling both field and off-field operations. Performance results showed that the machine (1500mm × 800mm × 820mm) operates between 400 to 1200 rpm of drum speed, yielding a high level of efficiency with minimal grain loss and damage. This machine offers a reliable solution for small-scale farmers, significantly reducing labor, time, and operational costs associated with cowpea threshing.</p> E. O. Adanu S. A. Iya I. T. Yakubu H. U. Kabri Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 21 1 168 180 Performance Evaluation and Optimization of a Canvas Belt Cowpea Thresher for Small-Scale Farming Applications <p>This study evaluates the performance of a canvas belt thresher designed specifically for cowpea, addressing post-harvest challenges in threshing efficiency, seed damage, and grain loss. Traditional threshers often lack precision for cowpea, leading to reduced yield and high labour demands. The constructed canvas belt thresher was tested at various drum speeds (200–1200 rpm) and moisture contents (10–14%) to determine its impact on threshing recovery, efficiency, cleaning ability, and seed integrity. Comparative performance was also assessed against a spike-tooth thresher, revealing the canvas belt thresher’s enhanced threshing efficiency (93.98%) and lower unthreshed grain percentage (6.02%) at optimal conditions. While the canvas belt thresher showed reduced throughput (91.33 kg/h) compared to the spike-tooth (181.89 kg/h), it minimized grain damage (3.83% vs. 11.54%) and achieved a higher threshing recovery rate (89.62%). Overall, the canvas belt thresher demonstrated effective threshing and cleaning for cowpea, although certain design refinements, such as covering the belt edges to reduce seed loss, could further enhance its efficiency and yield. This study highlights the potential of a canvas belt thresher for cowpea to support post-harvest processing, reduce losses, and improve yield quality in regions reliant on cowpea as a staple crop. Future research could investigate adjustments in belt configuration and speed control for further optimization.</p> E. O. Adanu S. A. Iya I. T. Yakubu H. U. Kabri Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 21 1 181 191 Development of a Clay Biodigester <p>The quest for sustainable waste management, reduction of greenhouse gas emission and the increasing demand of energy has led researchers to seek for alternative solution in meeting both demands. Anaerobic digestion technology is used for digesting wastes and producing biogas, which is a source of renewable energy in return. This research work examines the use of clay as an alternative construction material of the anaerobic biodigesters. The biodigesters were carefully designed to ensure airtightness and to attain an anaerobic environment inside the digesters. Clay in its nature tends to retain heat received, abundance in nature and is of low cost. The ability of clay material to retain heat makes it viable for biodigester, as temperature is one of the key parameters in the production of biogas. It employed the prototype and evaluated the rate at which clay biodigester produced biogas as compared to other construction materials. Five (5) different biodigesters containing different sample compositions were used for the experiment. The first biodigester is the control containing 8kg of cow dung mixed with 16kg of water. The second biodigester contains 4kg of cow dung, 4kg of beans chaff mixed with 16kg of water. The third biodigester contains 2kg of cow dung, 2kg of vegetables mixed with 16kg of water. The fourth biodigester contains 3kg of cow dung, 3kg of beans chaff, 3kg of vegetables mixed with 16kg of water. The fifth biodigester contains 4kg of cow dung, 4kg of goat excreta mixed with 16 kg of water. The biodigesters were evaluated under the same anaerobic condition. It was observed that the biodigester with the cow dung and beans chaff combination produced the highest biogas with an average daily production of 0.41litre/day. The biodigester with cow dung, and vegetables gave an average daily production of 0.35litre/day. The biodigester with cow dung and beans chaff gave an average daily production of 0.384litres/day. The biodigester with cow dung and goat excreta gave an average daily production of 0.352litre/day. The biodigester with cow dung only gave an average daily production of 03.6litres/day. All the experiments were carried out on an average daily temperature of 29℃. Each one of the biodigesters have an uptrend line i.e. the higher the retention period, the more the biogas produced. It was also observed that biogas production depends greatly on the temperature of the environment. This is to make biodigesters and green energy easily accessible to the local communities.</p> C. Nathan E. B. Bwala A, A, Barnabas A. M. Damilare Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 21 1 192 201 Mechanical Properties of Goat Hoof Fiber Reinforced Polystrene Composite for Car Bumper <p>Natural materials are good reinforcements for composite materials due to their eco-friendliness and potentials for improved mechanical properties. This study explores the potential of goat hoof fibers as a reinforcing material in polystyrene composites for car bumpers. Different % composition mixes of goat hoof fibers and polystyrene matrix were used as samples A-F. Samples A(100% polystyrene and 0% goat hoof), sample B(90% polystyrene and 10% goat hoof), sample C(80% polystyrene and 20% goat hoof), sample D (70% polystyrene and 30% goat hoof), sample E (60 polystyrene and 40% goat hoof), sample F (50 polystyrene and 50% goat hoof. The samples were then moulded into different shapes depending on the type of test to be conducted on the samples. The test conducted on sample composition mixes are tensile test, impact test, flexural test and hardness The results of the experiments conducted on sample D (70% polystyrene and 30% goat hoof) gave the following results (14.9MPa, 75.23KN, 71.3MPa, 56.92KN/m2) and for sample E (60% polystyrene and 40% goat hoof) gave the following results (11.66MPa, 69.2KN, 71.2MPa, 51.4KN/m2) and for sample C (80% polystyrene and 20% goat hoof) gave the following results (10MPa, 70.9KN, 70.9MPa, 46.2KN/m2) respectively. The results of the values obtained by samples D, E and C composition mixes gave values that compare reasonable with the values obtained by the conventional car bumpers.</p> C. Nathan E. B. Bwala A. A. Barnabas I. Y. Ayomikun Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 21 1 202 209 Multi- Objective Optimization of Shelling Process of an Engine - Operated Melon (Citrullus Laenatus Kuntze) Sheller <p>The quest to develop an optimally operating mechanical device to shell melon seed (citrullus laenatus kuntze) has been a desirable objective over the past three decades. A melon sheller was constructed and optimized. The machine shelling performance analysis were based on shelling capacity, shelling efficiency, cleaning efficiency, seed loss, and damaged kernel. MATLAB 7.0, R2010a software was implemented using genetic algorithm technique for the optimization of the independent parameters and dependent response variables. A layout of the experiment was three speeds (S1, S2, S3), three feeding rate (P1, P2, P3) and three moisture contents (M1, M2, M3) which were arranged in a randomized complete design (3x3x3) in 3 replications. Melon (egusi) seed of Bara variety was used as test crop. Results showed that the machine shelling capacity and shelling efficiency increased with increase in the shelling drum speed, while the shelling capacity ranged between 20.07 and 44.90 kg/hr and the shelling efficiency ranged between 59.21 to 97.59 %. The optimum inputs were: moisture content (19.9 %), speed (1248 rpm), feed rate (42 kg/hr) at 4 passes and best performance parameters were: shelling efficiency (98.38 %), cleaning efficiency (48.79%), seed loss (8.74 %) and damaged kernel (10.44 %). The means of three replication of performance parameters were used in analysis. The shelling efficiency, cleaning efficiency, seed loss and damaged kernel were: 96.14, 49.15 %, 9.72 % and 10.52 % respectively, which is very close to the values (98.38 %, 48.79 %, 8.74 % and 10.44 %, respectively) obtained from the optimization process.</p> D. D. Yusuf M. L. Attanda H. O. Yusuf Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 21 1 210 227 Evaluation of Municipal Solid Wastes Characteristics Towards Electricity Generation in Maiduguri Metropolis <p>This paper evaluates the characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Maiduguri metropolis for its potential use in electricity generation. Three key areas within Maiduguri were selected for the study: Area A (Northern Nigeria Flour Mills), Area B (Monday Market/Gwange area), and Area C (University of Maiduguri dumpsite). Additionally, three seasonal periods were considered - (1) rainy season, (2) cold/harmattan season, and (3) hot season. Refuse dumps in these areas were visited during each season to collect and analyze the MSW. The characteristics of the MSW were evaluated through physical analysis, which involved sifting through the waste and separating it into its major components. Further analysis included proximate and ultimate analyses conducted according to ASTM standards to determine the properties of the waste. The study revealed that the composition of refuse produced by communities in Maiduguri varies due to seasonal and behavioural changes. Wood, plastics, and grass were identified as the major physical constituents of the waste, with their proportions influenced by seasonal variations. The calorific values of MSW samples varied across the study areas, reflecting differences in population density and commercial activities. The highest calorific values were recorded in Area B during the rainy and cold seasons, with values of 19.81 MJ/kg and 15.055 MJ/kg, respectively. At the University of Maiduguri dumpsite (Area C), the calorific values of MSW samples were 7500 MJ/kg, 8420 MJ/kg, and 4500 MJ/kg for the rainy, cold, and hot seasons, respectively, resulting in an average of 6800 MJ/kg. This average is below the minimum calorific value of 7000 MJ/kg required for setting up an incineration plant with energy recovery. To enhance the energy potential of the MSW from the University of Maiduguri, supplementary fuels such as bagasse would need to be added to boost its calorific value and make it suitable for electricity generation. This study highlights the potential for MSW utilization in Maiduguri and identifies areas for improvement to optimize its energy recovery capabilities.</p> B. M. Tela M. B. Oumarou G. M. Ngala A. M. Eljummah Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 21 1 228 236 Simulation and Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration for Energy Recovery in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. <p>This paper presents an analysis, modelling and simulation of Maiduguri municipal solid waste powered electricity generation plant using ANSYS. Determination of the waste’s combustion characteristics: physical, proximate and ultimate analyses using ASTM standard was carried out. Initial and boundary conditions were applied in respect of the materials and geometry in order to carry out a numerical calculation. The reduced scale physical model batch type MSW power generating plant was successfully constructed for use to validate the CFD analysis. The MSW was sorted, graded, sized and weighted before being fed into the designed batch type model incinerator to fire the boiler. The temperature and pressure of the steam generated were measured using digital thermocouples and pressure gauges so as to quantify the expected energy. A comparison of the simulated and experimental temperature results showed that while Area A had 1090. K, 1409.9 K and 1609.6 K, Area B had 1918.1 K, 1893.6 K and 1425.1 K, Area C had 1413.1 K, 1548.8 K and 1036.6 K during simulation against an average of 1641.9 K for Area A, an average of 1896.3 K for Area B and lastly for Area C, an average of 1641.9 K, using the batch type MSW incinerator. The R2 value of 0.979 was observed for 5 kg load, 0.994 for 4 kg load and 0.999 for 3 kg load, for Area A. For Area B, the R2 values range from: 0.992, 0.993 and 0.995 for 5 kg, 4 kg and 3 kg respectively. For Area C, the R2 values range from: 0.998 for 5 kg, 0.996 for 4 kg and 0.987 for 3 kg. The constructed municipal solid waste power plant generated 6.4 V, 6.6 V and 6.5 V for Area A, B and C respectively for 33 minutes. A mathematical equation for the calorific value was developed using ANSYS, Ms Excel and was found to compare favourably, for up to 87.5% with the Model, and 87.40% when compared to the Dulong Berthelot’s formula. The moisture content, the feed rate and the energy content of the MSW greatly affect the quantity of electricity generated from the municipal solid wastes of Maiduguri.</p> B. M. Tela M. B. Oumarou A. M. Eljummah G. M. Ngala Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 21 1 237 260 Hardness, Density and Water Absorption Properties of Doum Palm Shell Particles and Sugarcane Bagasse Reinforced Polypropylene Hybrid Composite <p>Agricultural waste issues have been a subject of discussion mainly on its conversion to wealth because of some environmental problems associated with it. The use of natural fibers and agricultural wastes for the formulation of composites materials has therefore continue to receive great attention. This work is focused on the utilization of Doum Palm shell particles and Sugarcane Bagasse to reinforce polypropylene (PP) in the production of a hybrid composite. The influence of material loading on the hardness, density and water absorption properties of the composite was studied. The composites were set by compounding PP and Doum Palm shell particles using compression moulding technique. The particulate size of the filler materials considered was 150 μm. The different material loading to matrix mixture were 10:90,20:80, 30:70, 40:60 and 50:50 respectively, after which the composites were characterized. SEM analysis was also carried out in order to know the level of interaction between the matrix and materials loaded. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) were employed for optimization of the results. Hardness of neat PP was 65Hv but gradually decreased with material loading to a value of 42.3Hv at 50wt% loading of the PP. Water absorption showed a direct proportionality with exposure time and fiber loading up to 8.49% after 14days of soaking. Material loading ensured increased density proportionally to 0.468g/cm3 at 50 wt%. The optimization result showed significant difference in most of the results obtained. It is concluded that Doum Palm shell and Sugarcane Bagasse hybrid composites have potential for industrial application.</p> K. R. Kyari I. S. Aji M. Daura Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 21 1 261 269 Adsorption Isotherms and Kinetics of Heavy Metals from Tannery Effluent Using Composite Agricultural Waste <p>Tannery wastewaters are very complex and characterized by high content of organic, inorganic and nitrogenous compounds which include heavy metals. In this study, the adsorption Isotherm and kinetics of a composite adsorbent produced from the chemical activation of groundnut shell and rice husk were utilized as agricultural waste in the removal of Pb, Cr and Cd from tannery effluent. The experimental data were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlinch and Temkin isotherm while the kinetics were also studied using Pseudo-First-Order and Pseudo-Second-Order kinetic models. The result revealed that Langmuir isotherm model showed excellent fit to the experimental data for all the heavy metal adsorption onto Groundnut shell activated carbon (GR-AC). This can be seen from the high correlation coefficients R2. The Langmuir monolayer adsorption capacity (qm) value was found to be 9.81 mg/g (Pb), 5.72 mg/g (Cr) and 4.25 mg/g (Cd) respectively. The equilibrium adsorption capacity (qe) values calculated from the Second Order kinetics model agree well with the experimental values for Pb and Cd. In addition, the First Order Kinetic rate constant decreased with increase in initial metal ion concentration. The excellent correlation between the calculated qe and experimental qe values and higher regression coefficient R2 shows clearly that the adsorption of these heavy metals onto GR-AC followed Pseudo-Second-Order kinetic model. Therefore, groundnut shell and rice husk can effectively be utilized as agricultural waste to produce a composite adsorbent to remove Pb, Cr and Cd from tannery effluent.</p> Y. A. Musti A. L. Yaumi F. U. Mukhtar B. K. Highina H. Umar Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 21 1 270 278 Biogas Production and Nitrogen Recovery from Cattle and Chicken Dung Through Anaerobic Digestion <p>This study was conducted to determine the biochemical methane potential (BMP) of cattle and chicken dung through anaerobic digestion. Essentially, manure from animal waste could be a valuable resource in the production of high-grade organic fertilizer. To achieve this, chicken and cattle dung were collected at Ramat polytechnic farms in Maiduguri for the assessment. All samples were prepared and the digestates analysed to determine the nutrient composition using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), UK, 2005. Thereafter, the nitrogen (N) content was measure using Kjeldal method. This process was observed for seven (7) days. Finally, the water displacement method was adopted to measure the amount of biogas produced. The results show that at a ratio of 2:3 cattle to chicken dung, the highest gas yield was 117 mg/l on the first (1) day and the lowest gas yield was 53 mg/l using the blank sample on the seventh (7) day. Nevertheless, using blank sample and ratios of 1:1, 2:3, and 3:2, the amounts of nitrogen compounds in the substrates prior to and following digestion were 1.17, 1.66, 2.45, and 2.39 mg/l and 2.17, 2.66, 3.25, and 3.19 mg/l, respectively. Consequently, it is evident that the production of biogas and biofertilizer from agricultural waste has the potential to be a promising technology in low-income society.</p> D. J. Malgwi M. A. Musa A. N. Jones Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 21 1 279 285 Physical Properties of Guinea Corn Stalk Fibre Reinforced High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Composite for The Production of Particle Board <p>Majority of developing nations view the construction/manufacturing sector as being crucial to their economy. The industry produces panels and boards for furniture, ceilings, panelling, and other wood-based manufactured projects, relying solely on forest resources. This heavy dependence strains forests, contributing to deforestation and causing prolonged damage to ecosystems. A major interest in finding substitute raw materials for the manufacture of boards and panels through the utilization of agricultural waste products, is becoming the direction to scholars. In this study, guinea corn stalk fibre reinforced high density polyethylene (HDPE) composite was developed and analysed for the production of Particle Board. The composites were produced through the process of compounding and compression moulding operation. The HDPE was varied from 100 - 50 Wt % at interval of 10 Wt % while the filler was reversed from 10 - 50 Wt % at interval of 10 Wt %. Five different composites samples were formulated using 250 μm fibre size using HDPE as binder and a 100 % HDPE as control sample. The physical (density, thickness swelling and water absorption) properties of the developed composite were evaluated. The density (ranges from 943.9 kg/m³ to 1075.5 kg/m³), thickness swelling (3.13% to 18.75%), and water absorption (0.28% to 2.01%) of all the composites increased with increasing filler loading with highest values obtained at 50 Wt % material loading. All the values are within the minimum requirement stipulated in the European standard EN 312:2010 for general purpose particle boards except for the density which is above the standard. The incorporation of the fillers into the HDPE matrix generally enhanced the physical properties of the matrix. The Guinea Corn Stalk Fibre (GCSF) composite produced with 60 Wt % matrix and 40 Wt % filler is the most suitable for general purpose particle board production as all the physical properties met the required standard stipulated in the European standard EN 312:2010 for general purpose particle board.</p> E. James I. S. Aji M. Dauda Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 21 1 286 293 Interpretation of Airborne Radiometric Data of a Typical Basement Complex, Northwest Nigeria <p>Interpretation of High resolution airborne radiometric data over Funtua-Tsafe Northwest Nigeria was carried out with the aim of delineating geological structures and mineral potential of the basement terrain. The data were interpreted quantitatively using the radiometric ratio and ternary radioelement signatures. Analysis of the radiometric data enabled the estimation of relative abundances of natural radioactive elements (Uranium, Thorium and Potassium) concentrations revealing distinct anomalies indicative of hydrothermal alteration and the structural styles (shear zones and fault systems) of the area. The count rate range of Uranium (2.0 to 7.6ppm), Thorium (10.6 to 40.0 ppm) and Potassium (0.5 to 3.1 %) were estimated within the area. High concentrations of the two radioelements (U,Th) are predominant in the western part of the area and are possible site for radiogenic heat exploration and geothermal alteration. From the qualitative analysis of the relative abundance of the radioactive elements and the ratio map analysis, rock bearing minerals such as pegmatite, schists were suggested to be present, which could serve as raw materials for many industries in Nigeria.</p> O. Ologe A. M. Moyi F. Sanusi U. H. Tsafe S. Umar Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 21 1 294 302 Production of Bio-Gel from Waste of Cassava and Maize <p>Bio-ethanol was produced using starch extracted from cassava peel and cellulose from Corn cobs using acid hydrolysis and yeast for fermentation while Bio-gel fuel was produced using a composition of bioethanol and gel from water and Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) in ratio 80%, 20% by volume respectively. The average yield of bioethanol is 757.33ml for cassava peel and 595.56 for corn cobs from 3.55L and 3.35L of filtrates respectively. The properties of bio-ethanol produced from the two samples compared favorably with the commercial ethanol. The bio-gel fuel which is an alternative source for cooking can also support outdoor burning. The formulation is made from 100% recycle of agricultural wastes making it very economical. The research work will have considerable impacts on the vision of bio-economy launched by many African countries, which is to be achieved through the creation and growth of novel industries that generate and develop bio-based services and products. It will also support the local content initiative of Nigeria government. The success of the study has a great impact on the environment being a waste conversion study.</p> W. B. Asiru A. O. Raji N. Alausa Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 21 1 303 308 Effects of Fibre Length and Fibre Loading on Tensile and Flexural Properties of Luffa Cylindrica Reinforced Polylactic Acid Composite <p>This study examines the effects of fibre length and fibre loading on the tensile and flexural properties of Luffa cylindrica reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites. Luffa cylindrica fibres, a natural and biodegradable reinforcement material, were incorporated into PLA at varying fibre lengths (1 mm, 3 mm, and 5 mm) and fibre loadings (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%) to assess their impact on mechanical performance. The results revealed that both tensile and flexural properties were significantly affected by fibre length and loading. Optimal mechanical properties were observed at 30% fibre loading with a 3 mm fibre length, where tensile strength reached 28.52 MPa and flexural strength peaked at 77.81 MPa. However, higher fibre loadings (40% and 50%) led to a reduction in strength due to poor interfacial adhesion and fibre wetting. Shorter fibre lengths (1 mm) contributed to a higher tensile modulus, suggesting that compact fibre arrangements resist deformation more effectively. This study highlights the potential of Luffa cylindrica fibres as effective reinforcements in PLA composites, offering valuable insights for sustainable material development.</p> M. Bukar I. S. Aji Z. A. Mshelia A. A. Hammajam Copyright (c) 2025 ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 21 1 309 317