Author Guidelines
Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment (AZOJETE) welcomes contributions in the form of original research papers (theoretical and experimental), book reviews as well as short communications from all parts of the world, with particular reference, but not exclusive, to arid regions. Submission of an article is based on the understanding that it has not been published elsewhere, or under consideration in any other journal. All contributions will be critically reviewed by expert referees on whose advice the Editorial Board will accept, reject or return articles to authors for modification or revision. Articles should be typewritten double-spaced on one side of A4 paper.
Manuscript Arrangement
Papers should normally be divided into Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any) and References.
Organization of the Manuscript: The manuscript should be organized in the following order;
Title, Author’s name and address including E-mail address and telephone numbers; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Notation (If any); Acknowledgments; References. The main headings listed above should be capitalized and be left justified. Sub-sub headings should be in italics. All headings, sub headings, and subsub headings should be in bold font. Headings and sub headings should be identified with numbers such as 1; 1.1; 1.1.1 etc. For the sub headings, the first letter of every word should be capitalized.
Title: The title should be as short as possible, usually not more than 14 words. Use words that can be used for indexing. In the case of multiple authors, the names should be identified with superscripted numbers and the addresses listed according to the numbers
Abstract: An abstract not exceeding 400 words should be provided. This should give a short outline of the problems, methods, major findings and recommendations.
Keywords: There should be keywords that can be used for indexing. A maximum of 5 words is allowed.
Introduction: The introduction should provide background information on the problem including recent or current references to work done by previous researchers. It should end with objectives and contribution to the work.
Materials and Methods: This section can be very depending on the nature of the paper. For papers involving experiments, the methods, experimental design and details of the procedure should be presented. Rather, authors should refer to other sources. This section should also contain description of equipment and statistical analysis where applicable. For a paper that involves theoretical analysis, this is where the theory is presented.
Results and Discussions: Results give details to what have been achieved, presented in descriptive, tabular or graphical forms. Discussion on the other hand, describe ways the data, graphs and other illustrations have served to provide answers to questions and describe problem areas as previously discussed under introduction.
Conclusion: Conclusion should present the highlights of the solutions obtained. It should be a brief summary stating what the investigation was about, the major result obtained and whether the result were conclusive and recommendations for further work, if any.
Notation: A list of symbols and abbreviation should be provided even though each of them should be explained in the places where it is used.
References: The following format should be used
Journal Articles: Umar, B. 1997. The role of public and private tractor hiring units in agricultural mechanization - a case study from Adamawa state, Nigeria. Outlook on Agriculture, 26(1): 35-38.
Conference Papers: Keating, BA., Wafula, BM. and Watiki, JM. 1992. Development of a modelling capability for maize in semi-arid eastern Kenya. In: Probert, M.E. (ed ). A search for strategies for sustainable dryland cropping in semi-arid eastern Kenya. Proceedings of a symposium held in Nairobi, Kenya, 10 - 11 December 1990. ACIAR proceedings no. 41, 138p.
Books: Phillips, RE. 1981. Farm Buildings – From Planning to Completion. Doane – Western, Inc. St. Louis, Missouri.
Book Chapter: Kirkby, MJ. 1980. Modelling water erosion processes. In Kirkby, M.J. and Morgan, R.P.C. (eds), Soil erosion, pp. 183-216, Wiley, Chichester.
Reports: Yang, Q. 1991. Blemish detection in fruit and vegetable grading with computer vision. Divisional Note DN 1610. Silsoe: Silsoe Research Institute.
Internet: Wallace, TB. and Cox, WE. 2002. Locating information on surface water availability in Virginia. accessed on 10 October, 2004.
Tables: Tables should be numbered by Arabic numerals e.g. Table 1... in ascending order as reference is made to them in the text. The same data cannot be shown in both Table and figure. Use table format to create tables. The caption should be self-explanatory, typed in lower case letters (with the first letter of each word capitalized) and placed above the table. Tables must be referred to in the text, and positioned at their appropriate location, not at the end of the
Figures: Illustrations may be in the form of graphs, line drawings, diagrams schematics and photographs. They are numbered in Arabic numerals e.g. Figure 5. The title should be placed below the figure. Figures should be adequately labeled. All figures and photographs should be computer generated or scanned and placed at their appropriate locations, not at the end of the paper.
Units: All units in the text, tables and figures must conform to the International System of units (SI)
Reviewing: All papers will be peer reviewed by the three reviewers to be appointed by the Editors. The editors collate the reviewer’s reports and add their own. The Editor-in-chief’s decision on any paper is final.
Off Prints: A copy of the journal is supplied free of charge to the author(s). Additional reprints can be obtained at current charges.
Page Charges: The Journal charges Article assessment fee of N10,000 (about US$10) only per paper should be paid into the Editor in Chief account and the publication fee of N40,000 (about US$40) if the article is accepted.
Payment should be to:
Account Number.: 1000381038
Bank: Globus Bank
Account Name: Arid Zone Journal of Engineering and Technology
Once the payment notification is received, the paper would be placed on peer review immediately. All communications between you and the editorial office as regards this article will have to be via e-mail on
Submission of Manuscript: Submission of an article for publication implies that it has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The Journal’s peer review policy demands that at least two reviewers give positive recommendations before the paper is accepted for publication. Printed copies of the paper should be sent to:
The Editor-In-Chief
Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment (AZOJETE)
℅ The Editorial Office
Faculty of Engineering
University of Maiduguri, P.M.B. 1069,
Maiduguri, Nigeria
Papers can also be submitted directly to the Editor-In-Chief or the Technical Editor and head of Journal Secretariat. Those who have access to the internet can submit electronically as an attached file in MS Word to and copy All correspondence with respect to status of manuscript should be sent to the Editor at and copy